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EHQ Policy / Privacy Policy / Terms of Use / Disclaimer

Please read our policies that define the conditions you as a user must accept in order to use our website. If you do not agree with these policies, you should not use our website.


Please click here for the CDS Recycling Privacy Policy Manual


Privacy Policy
Website Use: Privacy Policy


CDS Recycling is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients, customers and visitors to our website. This Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment by disclosing to you the ways in which we deal with your personal information.


What information we collect

CDS Recycling website may be visited without divulging any information, however we will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you create a Registration ID on the site or when you post an enquiry or order email newsletters.


To protect your privacy, CDS Recycling follows different principles in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection.


  • We will not sell or give away your name, mail address, phone number, email address or any other information to anyone.

  • We will utilise state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information from unauthorised users.



If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use most of CDS Recycling’s website but you will not be able to access areas that require registration.


If you decide to register, you will be able to select the kinds of information you want to receive from us by subscribing to various services, like our electronic newsletters. If you do not want us to communicate with you about other offers regarding CDS Recycling’s products, programs, events, or services by email, postal mail, or telephone, you may select the option stating that you do not wish to receive marketing messages from CDS Recycling.



Use and Disclosure of your Personal Information

Your personal information may be used:-


  • to provide the services which you have requested from us;

  • to administer and manage those services including charging, billing and collecting debts;

  • for marketing purposes by adding you to our marketing database to receive promotional and educational material, invitations to functions and seminars, and our various newsletters;

  • to inform you of ways the services provided to you could be improved;

  • to conduct appropriate checks for credit-worthiness and for fraud;

  • to research and develop our services;

  • to gain an understanding of your information and communication needs in order for us to provide you with a better service; and

  • to maintain and develop our business systems.


If you do not wish to receive promotional material from us, please email CDS Recycling at or call 1300 884 772. You may also write to CDS Recycling at PO Box 1171, Eagle Farm, QLD, 4009, and we will delete you from our mailing list immediately.


Please note that CDS Recycling does not sell the mailing list to any third parties.

The purposes for which we use your personal information include:-


  • the purpose for which you provided it to us;

  • for related secondary purposes;

  • where otherwise required by law;

  • purposes to which you consent.


A “related secondary purpose” includes disclosing your personal information for:-


  • the purposes of defending existing or anticipated legal proceedings (by disclosing information to a lawyer);

  • insurance purposes;

  • exchanging information with a subsidiary entity of CDS Recycling and our agencies;

  • quality assurance purposes; and

  • other related purposes.


The people/organisations to which we disclose information include:-


  • our staff members;

  • outsourced service providers who manage the services we provide to you, including:-

  • customer enquiries;

  • processing and administration functions;

  • mailing systems;

  • billing and debt-recovery functions;

  • information technology services;

  • installation, maintenance and repair services;

  • marketing, telemarketing and door-knocking services; 

  • market research;

  • your authorised representatives;

  • credit reporting and fraud checking agencies;

  • our professional advisers, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers;

  • government and regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required or authorised by law;

  • organisations involved in:

  • a transfer/sale of all or part of our assets or business (including accounts and trade receivables); and

  • managing our corporate risk and funding functions (e.g. securitisation);

  • other telecommunication and information service providers; and

  • our related companies.


Access to your Personal Information

You can request to access the personal information we hold about you if you wish to do so. We will take reasonable steps to provide you with access if we are able to do so. If we are unable to provide you with access, we will explain why. We also reserve our rights to charge a fee for searching for and providing access to your information.

To request access please email CDS Recycling at or call 1300 884 772. You may also write to CDS Recycling at PO Box 1171, Eagle Farm, QLD, 4009.


Security of your Personal Information

CDS Recycling is committed to protecting your personal information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure this.


Disposal and Destruction of your Personal Information

If we no longer need to hold your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify that information.



If you have a question, comment or complaint regarding our privacy policy or procedures, you should contact CDS Recycling during business hours on 1300 884 772 or email


Changes to this Policy

From time to time, it may become necessary for us to review or amend this policy, and we reserve the right to do so. Any changes will be made as and when required, and we will advise you of any changes by posting an updated version of our policy on our website, . An up to date copy of this policy will be available in hard copy at all times at CDS Recycling at 913 Lytton Rd, Murarrie, QLD 4172

Terms of Use
Website Use: Terms of Use:

Automatic collection of your Personal Information

When you visit our website, our Internet Service Provider (ISP) automatically records the following information about you for statistical purposes:


  • your server address;

  • the website you visited immediately prior to ours;

  • your domain name;

  • the date and time of your visit to our website;

  • the pages you accessed and the information or documents you downloaded; and

  • the type of browser you used.



CDS Recycling encourages the use of email communication to increase efficiency in communications. Emails sent to or from CDS Recycling are routinely monitored by our information technology staff for systems administration, quality control and compliance purposes.


We will only record your email address if you send an email to us. Email enquiries will be passed to the most appropriate staff member, who will be asked to respond to you directly. The staff member who responds to you will retain your email address as long as may be necessary to respond to you.


The information that we receive from you will be treated in the strictest confidence. We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without seeking your consent.


Online Subscriptions

If you wish to subscribe to any online information service which we may offer from time to time, you will need to supply us with the following personal information:-


  • your full name;

  • your email address;

  • your occupation;


We will use this data to send information and publications to you via email. If you are included on a group email mailing list for this purpose, we will send you the information in such a way that your email address will not be visible to other mail out recipients.


If you had previously requested to be added to our mailing list and have since changed your mind simply send an email to: with the subject line "unsubscribe", and we will remove you from our mailing list.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy please email or telephone 1300 884 772

Alternatively, you can put a request in writing to CDS Recycling at PO Box 1171, Eagle Farm, QLD 4009 

Website Use: Disclaimer:

The material on this web site is only to provide you with general information. It does not constitute legal or other advice and your use of the material on this web site does not give rise to any obligation on behalf of CDS Recycling or any author of any material on the web site.


In this web site, any frames, links or other references to other web sites, persons or information are produced solely for convenience. Those references are not an endorsement of those parties or their products or services. We do not warrant the accuracy or suitability of any information contained in this or any other web site.


As far as is permitted by law, CDS Recycling excludes all liability to third parties arising directly or indirectly out of their use or reliance on materials contained in this web site. Specifically, CDS Recycling does not warrant that the files contained in or referred to in this web site are free of viruses or other defects. If that liability cannot, by law, be excluded, the liability of CDS Recycling will be limited to replacing the defective file.


We have and retain copyright in all works contained in this web site. We license you to reproduce those works only if:


  • the reproduction is for private or non-commercial purposes; and

  • you ensure that the works are clearly attributed to CDS Recycling.

Environmental, Health & Quality Policy:

Certified Destruction Services Pty Ltd (CDS) is committed to an operating philosophy based on openness in communication, integrity in serving our customers, fairness and concern for our employees and our responsibility to the communities within which we operate or may affect. Our vision is to exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, cost, delivery and value. Additionally, we are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following principles:



CDS is committed to equality in employment opportunity and rewards, embracing wholeheartedly the cultural diversity within the communities we call home. Our employees’ welfare and interests are foremost throughout all aspects of our business and how we conduct our affairs. CDS is committed to:

  1. Creating and nurturing an environment of success based on honesty and integrity;

  2. Equitable sharing in the success of the company;

  3. Empowerment through training and communication;

  4. Individual growth and equal opportunity;

  5. Prevention of accidents and incidents;

  6. Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.



Customer needs are paramount and represent the highest priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations.



CDS is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar behaviour in our employees and suppliers. We support the conservation of the physical environment and the prevention of pollution at our facilities and as such, our environmental commitments include:

  1. Protection of the environment;

  2. Conformity to ISO 14001 and compliance obligations;

  3. Continual improvement;

  4. Prevention of pollution and sustainable use of resources;

  5. Climate change mitigation and adaptation;

  6. Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems;

  7. Other specific commitment(s) relevant to our context.


We proactively comply with ISO 45001:2018 and all applicable health and safety, legal and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe in order to:

  1. Prevent accidents and work-related ill health by managing health and safety risks in the workplace;

  2. Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employee competence;

  3. Engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions;

  4. Implement emergency procedures in case of fire or other significant incident;

  5. Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances.



CDS is committed to achieving competitive excellence and providing our customers with products and services designed, produced and maintained to meet or exceed their expectations by:


  1. Complying with all customer, ISO 9001 and statutory and regulatory requirements;

  2. Enabling employees to achieve business and professional goals;

  3. Continually improving our processes via our EHQMS;

  4. Extending our EHQMS practices throughout our Supply Chain.


Beginning with a clear definition of customers’ expectations, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer specific requirements and endeavor to provide processes that ensure we achieve this in order to build a robust and world class business.


click here to see our signed policy statement

EHQ Policy
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